No products in the cart.
Once you are on the product page select options (if any) and click on ‘added cart’ button. You can add any number of any products to your shopping cart. You can see the shopping cart any time.
Once you finalize your shopping, go to the checkout option.
If you are not a registered user on our website, you must register yourself with correct information before placing the order. If you are already registered login with your user id and password.
Select payment and shipping options. If you wish to pay online, make the payment with Credit Card/Debit card, PayPal or Net banking.
You will get the details on the page that your Order is confirmed.
If you wish to pay offline, select other methods and confirm the order. After making the payment inform us about your payment on this page (Payment Information).
You will be provided an order number which you can quote for any further communication with us.
Check the video below for order placement on our website.